Thursday, April 7, 2011

Apologies about this week...

I suffered a creative derailment on Monday and been hip-deep in "What the heck am I doing?" for the last couple days. Today's alphabet blogs hit it on the head a couple times already: I'm Feeling Failure and trying to Finish the First Draft (Course Corrections, finally updated my progress bar today.)

My characters had better beware. This sort of thing tends to trickle down into something bad happening to them.


mooderino said...

For a moment I thought 'That's a coincidence, using the exact same phrase as my post...' lol.

Keep at it, it'll all come good in the end.

ali cross said...

LOL Hey, that's a good use for all that angst and frustration. :)

Libby said...

I think we've all been there on our projects. Good luck!

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